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“Great business leaders have vision, lead by example, and look for new opportunities.  The really successful ones do all of that… but they also create new vision, create new opportunities, and inspire the people around them.  Clint Greenleaf is one of the really successful ones.” 

- Howard Putnam, former CEO of Southwest Airlines

“Great business leaders have vision, lead by example, and look for new opportunities. The really successful ones do all of that . . . but they also create new vision, create new opportunities, and inspire the people around them.  Clint Greenleaf is one of the really successful ones.” 

- Howard Putnam, former CEO of Southwest Airlines


Meet Clint Greenleaf

A proven business leader focused on playing the Long Game, Clint Greenleaf helps companies grow by improving relationships, building culture, grooming leaders, and marketing unconventionally.  A recovering CPA, Clint promotes his message of entrepreneurship, innovation and small business throughout the world as a board member, speaker, author and frequent TV guest. 


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"Clint Greenleaf is the entrepreneur's entrepreneur. This guy knows about business practices. He knows about financial aspects of the business. The guy knows customers and how to create a loyal customer base. He's a really smart guy in terms of how he transfers what he knows to other people."


 —  Scott Halford, Complete Intelligence 

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