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Clint Greenleaf
The Greening of Greenleaf
Being green is getting more and more important these days. Lucky for me, "Green" is kind of a family trait. However, am I green in name...
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Clint Greenleaf
Stop The Layoffs!
In tough economic times companies notoriously try to cut costs by resorting to their fallback plan: employee layoffs. Millions of them....
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Clint Greenleaf
You Need Help
It's hard to ask for help. Pride isn't necessarily admirable, but our smarts and hard work helped us get here... and admitting that we...
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Clint Greenleaf
How Well Do You Know Your Cash Situation?
There is no single aspect of any business more important than cash. In fact, it's the only really unifying element of all businesses --...
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Clint Greenleaf
Do You Have a Meteorite Plan?
Some of the best innovations we've had in business come from what I call the Meteorite Plan. The premise is, what would you do if a huge...
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Clint Greenleaf
The Vision Myth
I spend a lot of time with entrepreneurs -- some would say too much time -- and invariably the conversation flows into the first few...
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Clint Greenleaf
Making Time
I once received a last-minute invitation to visit Ireland's most famous band, U2, in Dublin along with a long week of parties and...
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Clint Greenleaf
Paranoia: Your Best Friend
I've spent almost my entire business life paranoid. It's not the most relaxing way to live -- I envy friends who walk around with a...
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Clint Greenleaf
The Power of Forgiveness
Tony Alessandra, the author of The Platinum Rule, is a hall of fame professional speaker, a bestselling author, and is close friends with...
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Clint Greenleaf
Babies, Business and the Bottom Line
My wife is a trusting woman. She is very smart, and yet when our oldest child was an infant, for some reason she still thought it would...
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Clint Greenleaf
Ditch Your Elevator Pitch
Elevator pitches are good in theory -- take a complicated concept and distill it into a short message. Most of the time, however, they...
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